The Cambria Institute empowers faculty and institutions to develop research, increase scholarly impact, protect intellectual property, and publish content at the click of a button in minutes. Services are provided in the following areas:
IP Working Papers. When a research concept is generated and a framework developed, the Cambria Institute publishes the working paper in our IP Working Paper Series to protect intellectual property. The Cambria Institute assigns a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), registers the working paper with an official DOI registrar, and applies required meta tag information for correct indexing of the working paper with search engines.
Peer Review. The Cambria Institute provides double-blind peer review services. Peer review reports are certified and sent to any individual or committee requested by the author. There is no requirement to publish the work with the Cambria Institute for this service.
Publishing Solutions. For faculty that wish to develop pedagogical material such as teaching notes, case studies and textbooks, the Cambria Institute publishes and distributes this content in hardcopy and/or electronic formats. Any income generated belongs to the faculty member.
Partnership Programs. For colleges that wish to brand their own content, the Cambria Institute provides turnkey programs. Content can be branded with the organization’s logo and copyright information. In this way, a college can market its own textbooks, case studies, notes, or journals.
Scholarly Impact Services. Scholarly impact is driven by web visibility, citations, and downloads. The Cambria Institute increases scholarly impact by distributing multimedia exposures of research through social media. The Cambria Institute also assigns and registers DOIs to content and ensures that this content is properly indexed.