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Can in-house training programs replace the graduate degree? An exploration of differences and learning objectives in terms of career advancement

Niall Hegarty

BRC Journal of Advances in Education

Volume 2

Number 1

Print ISSN: 2152-8810 Online ISSN: 2152-8829

Date: March 15, 2014

First Page 13

Last Page 34

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15239/j.brcadvje.2014.02.01.ja02


This article is a commentary on the (changing) landscape in the education of professional employees. It examines the effectiveness of training programs in terms of learning objectives, as a medium to develop an individual’s career, and as a form of recognizable education. Training programs are contrasted with graduate degrees in terms of relevance in meeting organizational demands for a quality workforce and an individual’s need for career growth. Main differences between corporate training and formal graduate education are examined as well as alternatives to each in advancing industry knowledge in career development. The article offers recommendations for the improvement of training programs to satisfy both organizational and individual goals.

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