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When the Newness Wears Off: Changes in Perceptions of Innovation Characteristics of Newly Launched Majors over Time

Paul L. Sauer and Joseph B. O’Donnell

The BRC Academy Journal of Education

Volume 1

Number 1

Print ISSN: 2152-8756 Online ISSN: 2152-8780

Date: March 15, 2010

First Page 112

Last Page 134


The purpose of this study is to determine how perceptions of innovation characteristics have changed over time. The innovation of interest is a newly launched major field of study by a university. A survey instrument designed to measure perceptions of the innovation characteristics of new majors was administered in 2004 and 2007 to undergraduates. This study focuses on four new majors in 2004 with a fifth added in 2007. Significant changes were observed in ten of the thirty perception items in our instrument. For nine of the ten measures there was an increase in the agreement that the perceived innovation characteristic existed. Results also revealed that changes were not the same across majors, but that each major has a unique set of changes in perceived innovation characteristics.

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